Escenaris: borinot i flor

Sant Cugat (Foto cortesia de MAVB)

saltironant de flor en flor

per libar el nèctar

més dolç

acaronat per estams

de seda...

...el recorregut dels meus llavis

pel teu cos...


Barbollaire ha dit…
Come Back As A Flower
(Stevie Wonder Àlbum: Journey Through The Secret Life of Plants)
The strangest thought came to me on this morning
As I awake to greet the coming dawn
The sun was hardly peaking through the garden
It felt that with everything I was one

Then I wished that I could come back as a flower
As a flower
As a flower
How I wished that I could come back as a flower
As a flower
To spread the sweetness of love
To spread the sweetness of love

The dew had finished making love to many
A rainbow smelling sweet was in the air
I envied all the silence I saw growing
So unmoved by things outside themselves

Then how I wished that I could come back as a flower
As a flower
As a flower
How I wished that I could come back as a flower
As a flower
To spread the sweetness of love

How I wished that I could come back as a flower
Oh as a flower
As a flower
How I wished that I could come back as a flower
As a flower
As a flower
To spread the sweetness of love
To spread the sweetness of love


Wished that I could come back as a flower

Wished that I could come back as a flower
Sweetness of love

How I come back as a flower
How I come back as a flower
Montse ha dit…
Si no ho ha fet ningú, i després de la paraula "cosidor", apadrinaré "borinot".

Un petó i una abraçada matineres (bé, avui no gaire matineres, que se m'han enganxat els llençols)
neus ha dit…
deliciós... :)

petonet suau, bon dia Poeta :*****
Barbollaire ha dit…
elur vaig a demanar festa per poder anar a comprar-me roba nova... la que porto està a punt de petar....XDDDDDDDD!!!

Petonets de sol, nina ;¬)***

Arare de tant en tant dormir un xic més tampoc és dolent...
que has d'estar relaxada i descansada... XDDDDDDD!!!
Petonet ;¬)*******
Anònim ha dit…
Osti què boniiiiic!
Enamores, barbollaire!
onixeta ha dit…
Tens raó Musa ens te ben enamorades a totes cada dia fem cap aquí com el borinot al nèctar
Petonets Dolç barbollaire ;)****
Barbollaire ha dit…
musa i Onixeta Si continueu així... Hauré de reforçar totes les cadires i comprar-me roba nova...
És que "estoy que me salgo" amb tant afalac...

Petonets ben dolços, nines... Moltíssimes gràcies per anar venint...
Joana ha dit…
M'encanta el soroll dels borinots!
M'encanta la teva poesia! i les flors...Ja és primavera!
bon capde!Barbollaire