Come Back As A Flower (Stevie Wonder Àlbum: Journey Through The Secret Life of Plants) The strangest thought came to me on this morning As I awake to greet the coming dawn The sun was hardly peaking through the garden It felt that with everything I was one
Then I wished that I could come back as a flower As a flower As a flower How I wished that I could come back as a flower As a flower To spread the sweetness of love To spread the sweetness of love
The dew had finished making love to many A rainbow smelling sweet was in the air I envied all the silence I saw growing So unmoved by things outside themselves
Then how I wished that I could come back as a flower As a flower As a flower How I wished that I could come back as a flower As a flower To spread the sweetness of love
How I wished that I could come back as a flower Oh as a flower As a flower How I wished that I could come back as a flower As a flower As a flower To spread the sweetness of love To spread the sweetness of love
Wished that I could come back as a flower Flower Flower
Wished that I could come back as a flower Flower Sweetness of love
How I come back as a flower Flower Flower How I come back as a flower Flower
Come Back As A Flower
ResponElimina(Stevie Wonder Àlbum: Journey Through The Secret Life of Plants)
The strangest thought came to me on this morning
As I awake to greet the coming dawn
The sun was hardly peaking through the garden
It felt that with everything I was one
Then I wished that I could come back as a flower
As a flower
As a flower
How I wished that I could come back as a flower
As a flower
To spread the sweetness of love
To spread the sweetness of love
The dew had finished making love to many
A rainbow smelling sweet was in the air
I envied all the silence I saw growing
So unmoved by things outside themselves
Then how I wished that I could come back as a flower
As a flower
As a flower
How I wished that I could come back as a flower
As a flower
To spread the sweetness of love
How I wished that I could come back as a flower
Oh as a flower
As a flower
How I wished that I could come back as a flower
As a flower
As a flower
To spread the sweetness of love
To spread the sweetness of love
Wished that I could come back as a flower
Wished that I could come back as a flower
Sweetness of love
How I come back as a flower
How I come back as a flower
Si no ho ha fet ningú, i després de la paraula "cosidor", apadrinaré "borinot".
ResponEliminaUn petó i una abraçada matineres (bé, avui no gaire matineres, que se m'han enganxat els llençols)
deliciós... :)
ResponEliminapetonet suau, bon dia Poeta :*****
elur vaig a demanar festa per poder anar a comprar-me roba nova... la que porto està a punt de petar....XDDDDDDDD!!!
ResponEliminaPetonets de sol, nina ;¬)***
Arare de tant en tant dormir un xic més tampoc és dolent...
que has d'estar relaxada i descansada... XDDDDDDD!!!
Petonet ;¬)*******
Osti què boniiiiic!
ResponEliminaEnamores, barbollaire!
Tens raó Musa ens te ben enamorades a totes cada dia fem cap aquí com el borinot al nèctar
ResponEliminaPetonets Dolç barbollaire ;)****
musa i Onixeta Si continueu així... Hauré de reforçar totes les cadires i comprar-me roba nova...
ResponEliminaÉs que "estoy que me salgo" amb tant afalac...
Petonets ben dolços, nines... Moltíssimes gràcies per anar venint...
M'encanta el soroll dels borinots!
ResponEliminaM'encanta la teva poesia! i les flors...Ja és primavera!
bon capde!Barbollaire