My Chosen One (Guillemots Àlbum: From The Cliffs) My chosen one, Why look at me? Why wake me up, After bad dreams? Why lie beside me Why lovely eyes? Why lovely sides? Why you?
My chosen one, Why so kind? Why so blind? Why in your mind, So I roam around untamed Unbetrayed Unafraid My real home, you give to me alone.
(Guillemots Àlbum: From The Cliffs)
My chosen one,
Why look at me?
Why wake me up,
After bad dreams?
Why lie beside me
Why lovely eyes?
Why lovely sides?
Why you?
My chosen one,
Why so kind?
Why so blind?
Why in your mind,
So I roam around untamed
My real home, you give to me alone.
My chosen one