
Com un blues,
aquesta pluja necessària

em fa créixer

la necessitat de respirar-te.

Pell amb pell.

Com una ventada crepuscular

que ens desvetlli de la letargia

de la monotonia diària.

Beuratge multicolor

emmagatzemat en un

vell matràs

aromatitzat de gingebre.

I una dolçor,

com de tarongina,

ens acotxarà

els cossos nus

amb la primera claror

d’una nova matinada.


  1. I Don't Know What It Is
    (Rufus Wainwright Àlbum: Want One)

    I don't know what it is
    But you got to do it
    I don't know where to go
    But you got to be there
    I don't know where to fall
    But I know that its comfortable where
    I don't know where it is

    Putting all of my time
    In learning to care
    And a bucket of rhymes
    I threw up somewhere
    Want a locket of who
    Made me lose my perfunctory view
    Of all that is around
    And of all that I do

    So I knock on the door
    Take a step that is new
    Never been here before
    Is there anyone else here too
    In love with beauty
    Playing all of the games
    Who thinks three's company
    Is there anyone else who wears slightly mysterious brusies
    I don't know what it is

    Take a lookin around
    At friendly faces
    All declaring a war on far off places
    Is there anyone else who is through with complaining about what's
    Done unto us

    So I knock on the door
    And I am on the train
    Going god knows where to
    To get me over
    To get me over

    Give me heaven or hell
    Calais or Dover

    I was hoping the train
    Was my big number
    Stopping in Santa Fe and the Atchison-Topeka
    Though I'm chugging along, put away by the crossing hand
    We'll be heading for Portland, or Limburgh or Lower Manhattan
    Find myself running around

    I don't know what it is so get me over
    I don't know what it is so get me over
    I don't know what it is so get me over
    To get me over
    You gotta do it.
    You gotta be there.

  2. Magnific !! ets un alquimista de sensacions ;)***

  3. Espero que no tinguessis fet el poema esperant que plogués... mira què feia dies que no queia una gota d'aigua. Molt maco, com sempre!!

  4. Ònix Això m'ho dius perque m'estimes sense mesura...!!!XD. Gràcies dolça nina! Un petonet dolç ;¬)*

    pd40 No, no... Justament el vaig escriure en arribant xop a casa...XD! Gràcies company!

  5. aquests dies vaig de bòlid... es nota, oi?

    a Barcelona cada dos per tres (cada sis)...

    vindré demà a llegir-te tranquil·lament, veig que la teva producció torna a ser gran!

    Me n'alegro, això vol dir que tornes a ser el "meu" Barbollaire de sempre.

    UN petó dolç!


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