Passa al contingut principal
Passes perdudes
Porto hores cercant
les paraules
què, al ajuntar-les,
em permeti
desestimar sentiments,
paraules, moments, silencis...
I recollir les passes perdudes i portar-les,
a qualsevol deixalleria.
On la saviesa
d’operaris especialitzats
velles desferres
en bells camins nous.
Why Should I Cry For You
ResponElimina(Sting Àlbum: The Soul Cages)
Under the dog star sail
Over the reefs of moonshine
Under the skies of fall
North, north west, the Stones of Faroe
Under the Arctic fire
Over the seas of silence
Hauling on frozen ropes
For all my days remaining
But would north be true?
All colours bleed to red
Asleep on the ocean's bed
Drifting on empty seas
For all my days remaining
But would north be true?
Why should I?
Why should I cry for you?
Dark angels follow me
Over a godless sea
Mountains of endless falling,
For all my days remaining,
What would be true?
Sometimes I see your face,
The stars seem to lose their place
Why must I think of you?
Why must I?
Why should I?
Why should I cry for you?
Why would you want me to?
And what would it mean to say,
That, "I loved you in my fashion"?
What would be true?
Why should I?
Why should I cry for you?
No cal. Ja t'he dit que les trobaríem i, quan les haguem trobat, t'ajudarem a recomposar-les. Ara descansa, i no pateixis, és com anar en bicicleta, no s'oblida mai ;)
ResponEliminabona nit, poeta dolç!
De les paraules en fas "bells camins nous" i dels silencis " vells camins"...
ResponEliminaBona nit i bona setmana! Barbollaire
fins i tot fas màgia reciclant emocions Bona nit tresor ;**
ResponEliminaArare Gràcies nina... Fa "ilu" saber que sou aprop.
ResponEliminaUn petonet dolç :¬|***
Joana Bona nit i bona setmana per tu també! Gràcies per venir. ;¬|
ônix segurament sols soc receptiu a la màgia que vosaltres em regaleu... I la reciclo ajuntant 4 paraules.
Tu ets el nostre autentic tresor, dolcíssima Ònix.
Petonets petits i dolços ;¬|******