Ningú més afortunat

Foscor de glaç.
I de puntetes,
heu anat passant.

Encenent espelmes,


Portant flassades de somriures,

paraules, presències…

No se si era jo el més necessitat.

Però ningú hauria pogut demanar més.

Ningú pot sentir-se més feliç,

ni més afortunat.

Gràcies Iruna dels camins, Arare des del teu mar, Ònix dolça bruixa de la cambra fosca, Williams la dels ulls de mel, MoNaLiTzA del somriure enigmatic.


  1. I'll Be There For You
    (The Rembrants)

    So no one told you life was gonna be this way
    Your jobs a joke, you're broke, your love life's D.O.A.

    It's like you're always stuck in second gear
    And it hasn't been your day, your week, your month,
    or even your year

    I'll be there for you
    When the rain starts to pour
    I'll be there for you
    Like I've been there before
    I'll be there for you
    'Cuz you're there for me too...

    You're still in bed at ten
    And work began at eight
    You've burned your breakfast
    So far... things are goin' great

    Your mother warned you there'd be days like these
    Oh but she didn't tell you when the world has brought
    You down to your knees that...

    I'll be there for you
    When the rain starts to pour
    I'll be there for you
    Like I've been there before
    I'll be there for you
    'Cuz you're there for me too...

    No one could ever know me
    No one could ever see me
    Seems you're the only one who knows
    What it's like to be me
    Someone to face the day with
    Make it through all the rest with
    Someone I'll always laugh with
    Even at my worst I'm best with you, yeah

    It's like you're always stuck in second gear
    And it hasn't been your day, your week, your month,
    or even your year...

    I'll be there for you
    When the rain starts to pour
    I'll be there for you
    Like I've been there before
    I'll be there for you
    'Cuz you're there for me too...

    I'll be there for you
    I'll be there for you
    I'll be there for you
    'Cuz you're there for me too...

  2. :) Una abraçada tranquila :)

  3. Bona nit, Corto Maltés

  4. Ei, si has de marxar uns dies per feina cap problema, però això de replantejar-se les coses no sona gaire bé. Nonononoooo, que tu no tens substitut. No hi ha cap altre blog com el teu, res de plegar.

  5. Gran dosi d'optimisme... i gran cançò!

  6. (gràcies a tu, barbollaire... lerele-lele-lerele-le...)

  7. Benvolgut Barbollaire, no fotem que xapa. O és que jo ho he entés malament. Treguim de la meva ignorància.

  8. l'home de la musica Gràcies company...

    Iruna Borra el humo de tu frente /deja que salga lo bonito. / Ese ángel chiquitito /que te hace diferente...
    Bona nit, nina. ;)*

    Benvolgut Avi. Estic aclaparat per les mostres d'afecte... Si és cert que m'ho estava plantejant... Però com li vaig comentar a en Pd40... Algù s'imagina un barbollaire callat??.
    Crec que em donaré un altre oportunitat.
    Sou molt amable per preocupar-vos.
    Una abraçada.


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