Ser amb tu

Perles d’aigua a la finestra.

El rellotge agafa el tren

mentre m’acotxo

amb el so de la teva pell.

Nau peculiarment suggestiva

protegint-me dels records

de fang.

Ser amb tu.

Ser en tu.

Ser el que em deixes ser.

La sina al llavis.

La vida als dins.

Llarg silenci

de loquacitat suorosa.


  1. While my guitar gently weeps
    (George Harrison)

    I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping
    While my guitar gently weeps
    I look at the floor and I see it needs sweeping
    Still my guitar gently weeps
    I don't know why nobody told you how to unfold your love
    I don't know how someone controlled you
    They bought and sold you.

    I look at the world and I notice it's turning
    While my guitar gently weeps
    With every mistake we must surely be learning
    Still my guitar gently weeps
    I don't know how you were diverted
    You were perverted too
    I don't know how you were inverted
    No one alerted you.

    I look from the wings at the play you are stageing
    While my guitar gently weeps
    As I'm seiiting here doing nothing but ageing
    Still my guitar gently weeps

  2. Posa't les sabatilles, el xandall i així, arreglao pero informal, t'espero a la vora del mar.

    Què passa, que no vens a córrer? (cobardeeeeeeee)

    Ok, me n'hi vaig amb l'Ònix!


    (el poema i la música, eh? no fotem)


  3. S'accepten tots els presents, barbollaire. :-)

    Gràcies per ser-hi.


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