Passa al contingut principal

Sortim a replans
de cafè acabat de fer.
Els narius s’eixamplen.
Darrera els llistons
de les persianes,
endevinem poms
feréstecs de flors primordials.
Viatge de tornada.
-Seda darrera els vidres-
Record d’aquells braços
que un dia ens van fer
obrir els porticons.
(Beth Orton Album: Comfort of Strangers)
Home is where the heartbreak
Wraps cold around my bones
Forgives me if I promise
To forget what I have known
Ignores and never mentions
I just came waltzing in
With stones tied together
With broken bits of string
Time moves so sure
Runs rings around the trees
Its silence mocking
In the wind against the leaves
For all your loss and gain
The soul defines the suffering
An illusion is hope born from fear
And now you're right back here
Safe in my arms my dear
All is as I left it
Never more so what it seems
My bed is as I made it
Just not what went between
And I still feel alive
In what is no longer there
The shadows slide behind
Drawing clouds across the air
Time moves so sure
Runs rings around the trees
Its silence whispers
In the wind against the leaves
For all your loss and gain
The soul defines the suffering
An illusion is hope born from fear
But now I'm right back here
Safe in your arms my dear
Aprofito per dir-li al "nostre" barbollaire que m'ha agrdat el poema i que ara escoltaré la cançó, amb un cafè noir i una presa de xocolata 99% de cacau.
D'això, que en voleu? (no, si en el fons sóc generosa)
petons de dissabte grisós...
petó d'escuma d'onada