
Fred que ens colpeja,
fent dels llacs
límpids miralls
de realitats
que no voldríem veure.

no tinc cap més altre
que capbussar-me
als blaus i el verds.

Pidolant penyores
-Tal vegada un cos-
que malgrat ser-hi,
fa temps vaig perdre
per algun revolt del camí.

I sóc,
intentant retenir
una imatge
polièdricament tentacular.

Glaç igni
d’una vida
reflectida a l’aigua.


  1. Thinking Out Loud
    (Emiliana Torrini)

    Like the leaves at my feet
    He is a victim of gravity
    The unbearable colour of things
    Gets him down
    And as his raincoat covers me
    We know it was never raining

    Sorry it was me
    Was I thinking out loud
    Sorry it was me
    Was I thinking out loud
    Sorry it was me
    Was I thinking out loud
    Sorry it was me
    Was I thinking out loud
    Like strings in a fan
    The shoelaces are undone
    The solitude reflection of his fate
    Gets him down

    And as the shadow covers me
    I thought he was only sleeping

    Sorry it was me
    Was I thinking out loud
    Sorry it was me
    Was I thinking out loud
    Sorry it was me
    Was I thinking out loud
    Sorry it was me
    Was I thinking out loud

    His clothes on the floor
    Underwear silverlined
    The smell of lavender and tar
    Brings me down

    And if the telephone should ring
    God knows it could never be him

    I'm sorry it was me
    Was I thinking out loud
    I'm sorry it was me
    Was I thinking out loud
    I'm sorry it was me
    Was I thinking out loud
    I'm sorry it was me
    Thinking out loud


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