Camí a casa

No hi havia res.

Les lletres ballaven,

amb la humilitat

del blau.


cridar silenciosament

el seu nom.

Però sols era

el vague regalim boirós.

Línia trencada

que assenyala un camí

a casa.


Barbollaire ha dit…
(Jane Birkin Album:Fictions)

Another round of interviews
Another pointless party
I really shuold be getting home
They say that's where the heart is
The taxi driver asks me
Where I'd like to go
And suddenly i'm unsure
Suddenly I just don't know
Where do icall home

It's where the heart is

Yes, i've had a good life
But still i can't help wondering
If i'd gone a different road
What would have become of me
In another universe
Am i still living there
A bored suburban house-wife
Slowly tearing out her hair
Who can't escape her home

It's where the heart is

A certain taste of liquorice
The sound of jackdaws in the trees
The smell of silver polish
Waking dormant memories
Why now after all this time
Is it flooding back to me
No one said, " come back to me
Back where you belong
It's time that you came home"

It's where the heart is

Skipping ropes and pipe-smoke
Church bells on a Sunday
Marmalade on cold toast
Endles summer holidays
The hay-rides in the trailor
The mad dash for the sea
The bitter tast of failure
The thrill of victory

I never will be home
Anònim ha dit…
Bon dia !! avui et porto jo els croissants n'hi ha de mes per si ve l'Arare ;)****
Barbollaire ha dit…
Què seria de mi sense vosaltres....!!!
Montse ha dit…
Sense nosaltres no tindries necessitat de fer tant cafè! més tranquil, estaries, ja t'ho dic jo.
Jo us porto els diaris. Va, per tu l'ABC i ler l'Onix El Mundo..

Ai! Ai!

d'acoooooooooooooooord, ja me'ls emportoooooooo, com es posen per no res!

Au va, veniu tots dos, que ens n'anem a navegar.

Petó de veles blanques. (Un somriure per l'Onix)
Anònim ha dit…
El blau, la boira, el no res, la dansa del caminar.
M'agrada el poema i la relació que guarda amb la fotografia.
Salutacions company!