Puc creure en tu?

Vaig lliscar,
per les fines fulles
del teu ésser.

(Gota cobejosa a l’empara
de la molsa més humida)

Amorosit de tu,
caiguí per reviure
a la terra del record.

per un moment,
que ja no puc creure en tu.


Barbollaire ha dit…
I Still Don't Believe You (Catherine Feeny - Hurricane Glass)

No I still don't believe you
When I hear you say
You know things will be better
This way

No I still don't believe you
When you tell me goodbye
And after you put the phone down
I am here hanging on the line

You say all these days apart
Will mend my broken heart
But I still don't believe you

All the mistakes we made
Were like the work of a child
And I know we would grow wiser
If we just let it age a while

Cause it feels like you have made me
Into something new
Someone to believe in
But I forget myself when I don't have you

You say all these days apart
Will mend my broken heart
All these days apart
Will mend my broken heart
You say I don't want to be like everybody else
Cruel to you and hating myself
I don't want to learn to live with it
This everyday unkindness

But I still don't believe you
No I still don't believe you
I don't want to hear you
Still don't believe you
Anònim ha dit…
L'amnesia cognitiva és molt més frecuent que l'emocional.
No hem d'oblidar que tots els nostres actes viscerals porten al desordre, a l'entropia...
Amb o sense vi...oblidar allò que no volem creure és instantaneament fàcil i permanentment dolorós...
Anònim ha dit…
Memoria selectiva... sovint caiem a les xarxes d´algunes persones per que l´atracció és tal, que oblidem les nostres conviccions
Barbollaire ha dit…
...i la nostra autoestima, i ens esborrem, convertint-nos en l'ombra de la seva ombra.
I sabem que som idiotes per fer-ho...

Però hi ha moments tan irrepetibles, únics, dolços...